Eternal You (2024)
Interesting but leaves me more frustrated rather than amazed
29 January 2024
Watched this at the 2024 Sundance Film Festival.

AI technology is controversial as many have been discussing about how AI can cause problems and create issues amongst media and lives. The documentary explores about AI being used to create avatars and how AI can become the product of something and as a whole, the documentary does explore some insightful discussions and conversations but while also leaving more to be desired.

The production is good and the sound design is solid. The participants provide some really good discussions about family loss, AI creation, and the future of technology as it helps to understand both contexts on each side. However, when watching this documentary, it does feel more frustrating rather than interested because the discussions about how advanced AI has become really makes me feel uncomfortable. The idea that capitalism and AI is making money off of grieving people and exploiting families is disgusting and it's really sad to see how AI is developing while also causing problems on people. I am not sure if the intentions were to be amazed because if that was, it failed.

I do appreciate that the documentary shows both sides of the argument but the structure feels a little uneven and a little too focused on the style over substance feel. There are some interesting musical and editing choices. Overall, it's an interesting documentary to explore but there is a lot more left to be desired.
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