A brilliant film, but it has a comprehensibility problem
30 January 2024
As a collection of weird, intense vignettes, this is hard to top. But it has comprehensibility issues. The plot grabs one at first, and then takes a turn for the surreal. The "it was all a dream/fantasy" explanation appears to be the most popular one, but who knows? It contains some of Lynch's most striking images and memorable characters, and that is saying a lot.

I read a long time ago that many more scenes were filmed than appear in this version, and that it was originally meant to be a televisions series, like Twin Peaks. I don't know how true that is, but I would like to see more of this if it exists. Maybe someday. I would also like to register my disappointment that Lynch mostly stopped making feature films after this, with the exception of the thoroughly loony Inland Empire.
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