Review of John Wick

John Wick (2014)
If someone killed my dog I'd be angry too
30 January 2024
Is this meant to be a cartoon? It has all the right ingredients.

Dumb baddie hurts smart good/baddie's feelings so he kills...everyone. All the time. Everywhere.

Elaborate, fantasy world-building, surreal settings, lots of pop-pop, bang-bang. Minimal dialogue; and what there is feels pretty pedestrian. Maximum action; and every bit of it is straight out of a gaming console. It's less fighting than it is ballet, but generally with a distracting soundtrack that feels like WWF wrestlers should be walking into a ring with it in the background.

No one did anything to give me someone to cheer, boo or even be that interested in. I mean, I liked the dog, but his screen time was limited.

I can suspend my disbelief with the best of them, but this feels like an absolute phone-in.
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