One for wannabe film analysts.
30 January 2024
This film is not for general audience who expect commercial elements. It's slow paced. Could have been managed better. People who were almost sleeping during the 1st hour are later claiming the film is 10/10. Why? They want to look like pro movie analysts lmao. If you give this 10/10 just because you can claim "Pure LJP film", then your actual standards are low!

For neutrals, If you have free time, go and watch it. Don't watch it out of FOMO due to overrating by wannabe analysts. There is degrading as well by general audience. Overall, it's a different attempt but bang average outcome. Different does not mean 10/10 lol. Don't go with over expectations after hearing fancy phrases like "Visual treat", "Not everyone's cup of tea", "LJP Brilliance"
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