Like Flowers in Sand (2023–2024)
Sweet series
31 January 2024
This is a sweet, gentle series set around ssireum wrestling but focussing on the main character Kim Bae Dok who hasn't really got his act together since his best friend moved away. There is plenty of sunshine and the usual cast of villagers (many recognisable good actors, if you are a k drama fan then you'll recognise them). The children are also really good. There is a mystery which threads through the events but is little more than an excuse to introduce two new visitors to the village. It all unfolds at a gentle pace. You learn something about ssireum wrestling and grow to like the main character. A feelgood series which will leave you with a smile on you face. Personally, I found the ending a little weak but a series to watch if you are in the mood for a pick me up.
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