Review of Lifeforms

Lifeforms (2023)
Space Exploration from A Different Point of View
1 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Anger expressed within the first ten minutes of dialogue turns me off. The movie has been made for immature minds needing a hook to catch their attention; I'll switch to another movie immediately.

In this, the anger was brief and I gave the film a chance to show itself more fully.

An astronaut flies a mission to a worm hole beyond Saturn to seek out his father who went before but never returned. Seven cryogenic-induced sleep years out, one year to observe, two years to debrief and seven sleep-filled years to return...and he was recently engaged to a wonderful woman.

It seemed cruel, to me, to become emotionally involved with someone considering such a future, but she takes it rather well.

And then the theme becomes clear after he meets his father and the storyline becomes one that I've never encountered in 70 odd years of loving the science-fiction genre.

In a four star rating system, I give 2 stars just for being different and fresh (which gets harder as you age).

But in IMDb's 10 star system, I give it an honest 9 stars! I'm buying my own copy as soon as available for my library.

But then, I'm a movie-lover, not a critic.
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