Ittaa Kittaa (2024)
Simple and well done.
2 February 2024
Kavya and Nirav decide to start a family. Unfortunately, they were unsuccessful and were told they had a slight chance of getting pregnant. They decide to try the medical approach and begin the adoption process. Excited to start their family, they are granted custody of two sisters, a young girl and a teenager, more than Kavya and Nirav bargained for.

This is a solid Gujarati film. It is simple, gets to the point, is full of laughs and drama, and educates while entertaining. The story simplifies the complicated process of adoption. Still, the primary purpose of the film is to bring to light the different types of families that exist, the struggles of infertility, the cultural stigma associated with adoption, and the fact that being adoptive parents is not simple or easy. I recommend watching this movie when it is available on a streaming service.
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