The boredom breaker
4 February 2024
Despite Clooney's at most times overacting, the film was entertaining from start to finish. I get it, Clooney's first big foray into blockbuster Hollywood action movie and obviously {he} wanted to make as big an impact as possible...however due to his limited acting ability and his habitual irritating gesture of I first talk while I'm looking at the ground then I roll my head 90 degrees to the person etc., it comes across fake and self-indulgent as though he's trying to look cool/suave always. Also, his over enthusiasm to at times cut Kidman off while she's talking is like...I'm the star and you're the supporting actor therefore I am allowed to talk over you, and this is how a real star acts in a scene! As a side gig he really made wearing chinos and polo shirt look good. Kidman, I thought was a bit out of her depth, couldn't match the intensity Clooney brought however over the top he was. I did not think she sold the physical presence of someone in authority as she was supposed to be. Definitely played 2nd fiddle to Clooney, whenever they shared a scene. She came across at times meek and definitely looked as though she was pretending/acting to be someone she wasn't. The film itself highly entertaining but with all blockbuster Hollywood action movies, you need to place your logic function on hold while watching it. Would I watch its sequel if one was made? Yes but only if it was free. Director needed to tell Clooney calm down a bit, don't be overly eager or over-the-top when in a scene...definitely for him less is more would have worked.
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