So 1700s Wisconsin!
5 February 2024
My wife and I walked 2 miles through crisp February air to see a film we knew nothing about but was said to have won a bunch of awards. It was awesome! If you saw The Revenant and enjoyed all of the snow, but found it rather bleak, this is the one. The movie is divided into three parts, the struggle to survive, becoming a woodsman, and the final battle. Our hero nearly freezes and starves before learning the skills and acquiring the gear he needs to keep alive his hopes of winning the hand of an alluring furrier. There is no dialogue. French fur traders, native Americans, and animals communicate through grunts, growls, and frantic hand waving. The final set piece takes place in an industrial nightmare, the beavers' huge lodge constructed through deforestation. A dystopian show trial, a sabotaged rocket launch, and a Bond-like sled chase down an icy mountain bring movie to its exciting conclusion. It took four years to make. It shows!
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