Excellent documentary movie, with hidden deeper meaning
5 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
This film took me by surprise. I heard about the fire at Notre Dame that year but I didn't read a lot of details about it. The film pulled me into the event of that day and, honestly, I was so thrilled and scared and was so impressed at the same time. It's incredible how a documentary can be so exciting.

The beginning might look a little slow but I appreciate how it gives background about the church and let us see how popular it is among tourists. That small dramatic moment of the little girl trying so hard to donate her money and made a prayer in Notre Dame at the very last moment became a theme of faith and give the film a wonderful conclusion at the ending.

I think the film just honestly follow the situation and let us see points of view from different directions. I was routing for the firemen team because the movie shows clearly that they are in dangerous situation, working inside the old Cathedral. I also felt sympathy for the man who holds the key to the most important treasure. He tried so hard, tried his very best to get there, and the scene that they saved Jesus crown of thorns at the very last moment was such a thrill.

The part where doors seem to close by themselves and lock the firemen in, together with flashes of demonic rock decorations seem to point out that there are evil power involved in this fire. But at the ending, the whole city praying and singing hymns show us that at last God triumphed. Maybe this is His will after all, to get the people of Paris praying together.

Overall, it is a very outstanding documentary, beautifully-told, with a hidden beautiful theme of faith. Hat-off to the director. Thank you so much for producing it.
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