Defs a film to watch with the missus
7 February 2024
Welcome to another edition of Adam's Reviews!!

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Today's movie review is the romantic comedy The Wedding Planner (2001) is a romantic comedy, starring 2000s hotpocket Jennifer Lopez and super chilled bloke Matthew McConaughey where a successful wedding planner falls in love with the groom-to-be of her latest client. In the bustling streets of San Francisco, McConaughey's character, Steve, comes to the rescue of Lopez's character, Mary, in a chance encounter driven by a pair of high-end shoes. Their unexpected meeting sparks an instant connection, but complications arise as Steve is already engaged. As Mary juggles her professional responsibilities as a dedicated and meticulously organized wedding planner, she finds herself increasingly drawn to Steve. Working under the supervision of Kathy Najimy's character, a veteran wedding planner, Mary is portrayed as a utility belt-wearing professional, always prepared with essentials like fob spray, Evian, and sedatives. Despite her pragmatic approach to her work, Mary harbors dreams of her own fairy-tale wedding, a sentiment echoed in her iconic line, "I'm the Wedding Planner," reminiscent of a superhero's declaration.

As their relationship blossoms, Steve, a man with idiosyncrasies like preferring brown M&M's, becomes enamoured with Mary. However, despite their growing affection, the chemistry between the actors falls flat, affecting their comedic timing and overall energy. This lack of spark makes it challenging for viewers to invest in their romantic journey. Amidst these shortcomings, the film showcases glimpses of San Francisco's charm, including a notable scene featuring a screening of the classic film "An Affair to Remember." This cinematic reference serves as a poignant backdrop to Mary and Steve's evolving romance, touching on themes of love, fate, and the enduring power of human connection.

Overall 5/10.
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