That's all folks
8 February 2024
As in even the animals are being played by humans - can that be considered a pun or are you ok if I'll go with my tried and proved "no pun intended"? Since you are here I'll assume you will roll with flow ... or go with it? Whatever means of transportation ... just be sure to sit down and buckle up! It will be a ... ride you will not forget! Better believe that - and the movie starts off running and it never stops.

It also sets the tone (a quite or quiet one) ... though do not expect this to be like the silent movies you may have seen from hundreds of years ago. While there is no real dialog, the characters do make sounds or breathe in. Stuff people never got to hear in the early 20th Century when they went to watch a movie.

But this is not just an homage to the silent movie era (and its stars, Buster Keaton, Stooges and so forth) ... it also has nods to Asian Cinema (Jackie Chan stunts), Looney Tunes (Acme, traps), gaming and of course Monthy Python.

That all being said, if you dig the way this starts, you will love the movie. I wasn't sure how the movie would fill the run time ... but this has so many ideas, that it is tough to say this is too long. You may feel that way for a second here and there ... but it definitely does not feel to be an issue for most people Just be aware what you are about to watch ... only thing I am really shocked about: this is form 2022! Where was this all the time?
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