Autopsy: The Last Hours of: Roy Horn (2021)
Season 12, Episode 22
A perfect addition to a decent show
8 February 2024
After 11 seasons of excruciating viewing i have finally come across a good episode. I don't know if this episode is actually good or it's just the fact that the last 11 seasons where so god awful that it just makes this one look good. Austin robsons beautiful performance carried this thing , i mean this episode would not be nearly as good if it wasn't for the Austin robson himself acting his heart out despite the disrespectful lack of screen time this under appreciated actor had. The casting director should have known the who he had in his hands and should have casted him the main protagonist then I assure that this would be #1 rated episodes in all of tv history. The emmys that Austin robson missed out on is truly devastating. Truly a masterpiece from The austin robson.
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