Stark the herald angels sing.
8 February 2024
A second movie parody! In just three episodes! Whilst this third episode didn't exactly stick to the format, it was a lot of fun - therefore I assume has been badly reviewed by the characters on here. I thought it was a decent diversion and that Kat Jennings remains the best thing in any Marvel project she's part of.

It's Christmas time and Happy Hogan (Jon Favreau) is charged with organising the Party at Avengers Tower designed, unfortunately, to take place whilst the heroes are off site and Jarvis is down for scheduled maintenance. The building is attacked by Justin Hammer (Sam Rockwell) who commandeers the robotic Iron Man suits and uses them to take control. His aim is to steal a vial of Hulk's (Mark Ruffalo) blood. Hogan, with Maria Hill (Cobie Smulders) and Darcy (Kat Dennings) as his only real aid, tries to get to the blood first.

So, it's difficult to say exactly what the "What if" is this time. I guess it's what if, sometime before Age of Ultron, Justin Hammer gets out of Prison and tries to steal Christmas. It's not entirely clear how he gets out, but he does and that leads us into a neat Marvel Die Hard parody, which isn't excused by name checking the film in the script, even though it's done in one of the funny moments. Kat Jennings' Darcy is the MVP again, with a laugh from almost every line she has.

Again, the animation style is good and I liked the "freak" version of Hogan Hulk (Hulk Hogan) that we see in this. The voices are mostly the MCU cast, with the exception of Robert Downey Jr, Chris Evans and Scarlett Johansson. Shame that Werner Herzog doesn't do "his" voice in this, but Ross Marquand has a decent impression and it's a good punchline for a long meta joke.

It's perhaps not as deep as the first season was thus far, but it's certainly been a lot of fun.
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