Undead Unluck (2023– )
So so close to a perfect adaptation!
10 February 2024
I discovered the manga last year (thanks, local library!) and was hooked. So I anticipated the anime with bated breath. And in so many ways it's a fantastic adaptation of Sensei's work, even with the inevitable tweaking, additions , and storyline expansion that come with such projects. However, the one thing which bugs me, the biggest and only issue that bugs me, is that about half of each episode is spent in flashbacks and refreshers, and that's not counting the intro and extro credits sequences and next episode teaser. I don't know if this is because of this particular production, a quirk of this studio, or the state of anime production in general, but it's quite frustrating to sit through.

Now I get that some flashbacks are necessary to the plot: they help clarify the crisis of the episode, refresh the viewer's memory of stuff from the very beginning that might've become fuzzy, etc. But when an entire episode consists of such "refreshments" and add, maybe, 5-8 minutes of new stuff, is that truly necessary? To my mind, no. Especially not in this era of binge-watching and multi-episode premieres - are our memories so out of whack from our short attention spans to need reminders of something that happened just the previous episode? I admit, I have a crap memory, but even I'm not that forgetful.

So while the animation and voice work (of the original Japanese - I haven't watched the dub yet so I can't comment on it) are high-class, and the storyline is just as hilarious, action-packed, dramatic, and fast-paced as the manga's, the actual production could be better. Thanks to the state of anime and manga today, with its greater-than-ever focus on speed and earning capability to the exclusion of everything else, including the health of those involved, I can't say I'm surprised.
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