Halo: Sanctuary (2024)
Season 2, Episode 1
Improved action, but remains bogged down by Season 1 writing choices.
12 February 2024
The action is certainly better executed. It is not as floaty, nonsensical (everyone standing out in the open blasting at nothing), or full of eye-rolling "Tee-Hee it's a videogame!" moments.

Unfortunately, this series is still chained to the back-burnered "SyFy Channel Original" world and story established during the first season. The bizarre focus on human shamans and mysticism, "Chosen Ones," wacky costumes and mannerisms of The Rubble, and baffling major diversions from the source material simply don't feel like Halo. I don't mind changes to "lore" or "canon" if it still captures the soul found in Halo's books and games... but the simple fact is that, despite surface level references, set dressing, and character names, this isn't a Halo show. It has none of the elements that make Halo special or stand out from other science fiction shows.
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