Review of Sanctuary

Halo: Sanctuary (2024)
Season 2, Episode 1
Still the same??
12 February 2024
I was expecting something...anything to be different. Anything at all!!

At least the 1st episode last season had something to catch viewers with. This episode had nothing!. We changed!..we changed my butt!

Its super slow, dark, and boring. Heres a tip. If your cgi is below par, dont go out of your way to show off a 20 minute fog battle. I with your cgi. If you know your cgi is garbage..dont go making it the showrunner. Have some actual story in there so we dont have to rely on cgi for a good show.

So where is the story here. I dont know. And i never will because this episode is such a slog to get through that i cant stay awake.
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