A Shop for Killers (2024– )
A Shop for Killers
14 February 2024
1. I like a series that doesn't have the typical duration of 16 episodes. They are often bloated and hard to watch without fast forwarding through recaps and annoying musical montages. These 8 episodes left me wanting more.

2. The pacing is good. All episodes come in at 50 - 60 minutes.

3. The cast is great. Characters are interesting, charismatic, attractive, and relate well with each other. Even enemies have chemistry.

4. The mystery is there. Suspense built in. The plot interesting. Plot twists are abundant.

5. The bad guys are bad. The good guys can be bad and are still sympathetic. Characters feel well drawn out.

6. Our hero is a girl. From the get go she is smart. She makes mistakes out of genuine naïveté then picks herself up and carries on. She doesn't become jaded or spoiled by the violence thrust upon her but is able to maintain her humanity.

7. Our hero's uncle, played by lee dong work, doesn't look like his previous and too highly groomed characters. He's rough and handsome. He's a bad guy who's also a good guy. His character carries great pathos.

8. There is only one episode that felt at times redundant. Yet it did provide more insight into just how the story got to that point.

9. The series is up there with My Name, another 8 episode series that provided mystery, surprise, suspense, and catharsis. The pay off in this show feels more satisfying with surprisingly less disappointment.

10. The show left questions unanswered. There is potential for the future of this show.
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