Finally, the North Pole
14 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
The Good 1) Katara is a strong female character done right. She stands up against Pakku's sexism and gives it her all but (given he's a Waterbending master and she's an amateur) she still loses the battle but gains his respect leading to his teaching her.

2) I like Sokka's relationship with Princess Yue and incidentally, he has kissed a girl before (Suki) 3) I like that Aang struggles to learn Waterbending since it suggests that even if his natural talent were enough to make the basics easy, he can't coast on it through advanced training 4) I like the implication that Sokka's sexism (since discarded) is not personal but cultural 5) I like everything about Prince Zuko and Commander Zhao (yes, I still call him Commander) 6) I like the comedy The Bad If Kanna hated her arranged marriage so much that she moved to the other side of the world because of it, then why did she keep her betrothal necklace as a keepsake for most of her life and bequeath it to her daughter and granddaughter? That's not adequately explained.

Even so, it's a great episode.
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