Lego Marvel Super Heroes: Avengers Reassembled
15 February 2024
Lego Marvel Avengers Assembled is a short Lego film that can take inspiration from Avengers Age of Ultron that came out the same year this came out. The plot is pretty simple so it can appeal to it's target audience. That's why I rated this 7/10. I'm simply not in the target audience and I don't want to judge too harshly of something meant for younger audiences. I feel like did a good job at doing it for younger audiences. I don't have anyone of a younger audience with me when I watched it, but if I did, I feel like it's a good thing to show them. It doesn't have a lot when it comes to messages but the plot is pretty simple alongside the dialogue and action. I say if you like Marvel and have a young one around and would like to show something Marvel, then show them this.
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