Burn the House Down (2023– )
A Revenge drama with not much revenge!
15 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Burn the House Down is the story of a girl named Anzu Mitarai to finds the culprit who burned her house 13 years ago. This J-Drama has 8 episodes with each being 45-50 minutes long.

First of all, They could have executed the plot a little more nicely. There were tons of plotholes and many questions that were answered but not in a convincing way. Many characters exist to carry the plot and have zero development. There are the primary faults of the drama.

The male lead, Kiichi is for me, the best written character in the drama. His internal conflicts, eerie presence, his emotions all were executed and done properly without any mistake. His character development is also not very problematic.

Another cons of the drama is the unnecessary and unconvincing plot twists. By the last episode, the show will have many twists and turns which is not at all convenient for the general audience.

Aside from the revenge story, the one that attained most of my attention and the one that I loved the most to see on screen is the romantic dynamic between the housekeeper Anzu Mitarai and Kiichi. Their screen presence was purely fantastic. There is one dialogue that Kiichi say to Anzu and it goes like this, " I don't care about what others say. They can say what they want. But I do care about what you say."

The ending of the drama was soothing and refreshing. All the problems have come to an ultimate end and all the characters, especially Anzu and Kiichi live a happy life.

It's Good.

5/10 Signing off, Thank You.
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