Avatar: The Last Airbender: Avatar Day (2006)
Season 2, Episode 5
Underrated Episode
15 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Those who have read my full series review (with heavy spoilers) know that I like it when the show acknowledges that it's sometimes necessary for the good guys to kill their antagonists. And (oddly enough for a mostly comedic episode), this episode is most definitely one of them.

Kiyoshi even says "I killed Chin the Conqueror" she doesn't say "oh, well, I technically didn't kill him" or "I'm not going to kill you but I don't have to save you either" she full-blown acknowledges that she killed him and that it was justified.

And since she killed him by causing him to fall from a precipice, when Aang knocks a Firebender off a cliff, we know the latter's dead. The good guys can kill their antagonists.

Beyond that, I like the comedy, (Sokka as Sherlock Holmes is hilarious), how Sokka and Katara are both smart characters and the Easter Eggs to the Warriors of Kiyoshi episode (including Sokka still being interested in Suki.)

That said, the best part of this episode is Zuko and Iroh's relationship. Zuko realizes (because his uncle tells him) that at this point even if he were to capture Aang, it would change nothing so Zuko gives up and embraces his career as a hardened the criminal, The Blue Spirit. (To paraphrase Shakespeare, what a noble soul here is o'erthrown.)

I like how Uncle Iroh suspects and tacitly expresses his disapproval of what Zuko's doing and Zuko responding to it by leaving Uncle Iroh behind and deciding to care only about himself is almost heartbreaking. It also makes me see more of what happens to Zuko (like we get in Zuko Alone.)

Honestly, this episode is woefully underrated.
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