16 February 2024
The one TNG episode you hope won't be the first seen by those unfamiliar with the Star Trek franchise. When this disaster-piece originally aired, I remember looking forward to commercial breaks.

Where do I begin? This cringeworthy episode, hastily cobbled together by the showrunner and allegedly directed by Patrick Stewart was born of ever tightening budget restraints and creative constipation. The ridiculous story reminded me of the worst of the unlikely Gilligan's Island plots.

Originally titled, "Let's Play Cowboy," (okay, not really) this improvised and highly improbable tale took advantage of the abundant goodwill of Star Trek's devoted fans and apologists. Those who followed the series were puzzled,; I remember openly pondering whether the cast and crew had were engaged in a contract dispute.

One of the many less memorable scenes finds Marina Sirtis (Ship's Counselor,Deanna Trois) doing her best to distance herself from the story (who would blame her?).

I would've much rather been treated to a repeat episode than to suffer through this painfully banal silliness. Star Trek: TNG would continue on for one more season and ultimately redeem itself; still yet, this episode will never go away. Reminding all involved that even the most talented actors couldn't save this most uninspired story.
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