Seriously your having nuggets
17 February 2024
The Sasquatch Gang is a 2006 comedy that follows Gavin, a science fiction and fantasy fan who with a group of friends stumbles upon footprints they believe belong to Sasquatch. All the while Gavin's dim witted neighbors try to hatch a scheme to get quick cash.

This movie was written and directed by Tim Skousen who worked as assistant director on Napoleon Dynamite, so it's safe to say that the silliness level is very high. It's obviously not the most clever comedy although it wasn't trying to be, and you can definitely see the Napoleon influence here. The main character and his friends bring some moments of entertainment, but it's Justin Long and Joey Kern's hilarious performance as Zerk and Shirts that keeps the laughter flowing in this film.

It's a simple yet effective comedy in the end that any fan of goofy comedies should enjoy. If you haven't seen this before, I would definitely recommend checking it out.
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