Breaking Bad: Cancer Man (2008)
Season 1, Episode 4
17 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Walt has informed Skyler about his cancer and the information soon spreads to his son, brother- and sister-in-law.

It's clear that Walt's family loves him dearly and Skyler and Marie succeed in finding the best possible treatment for him. Walt however shrugs off the attempts, explaining to Skyler that there's too much money required, which, in case of an unsuccessful treatment, would leave the family in debt.

Meanwhile, Jesse moves into his parent's house, who are all but pleased to have him show up again.

This is a bit of a slower episode that gives more insight into the characters and their desires.

I really wish that throughout the show Jesse's relationship with his family would have been explored more; Especially the contrast between the two Pinkman brothers is quite interesting.

Also, small moment, but I love how Walt Jr. Asks his dad to die to provoke him to undergo the chemotherapy in contrast to the intention with which he says it in the show's final episode - small detail that has always felt really powerful to me.
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