Bigger and Better
18 February 2024
This film stands out as an improvement over its predecessor, scaling up in terms of ambition and execution for a crime comedy sequel. The storyline holds up decently, providing a solid foundation for the ensuing antics and drama. The screenplay is notably better than average, though it's worth mentioning that the climax could have used a stronger finish.

Performance-wise, the cast delivers commendably across the board, contributing to the film's dynamic energy. Production values are solid, ensuring the film looks and feels polished. However, the editing leaves something to be desired, particularly for a film that leans heavily on suspense and thrill; it falls short of amplifying the narrative's tension.

The VFX work is decent. The background score does its job adequately, supporting the film's tone without standing out as particularly memorable.

For those looking to fill some leisure time, this film might just fit the bill, offering enough entertainment value to make it a worthwhile watch.
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