20 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Virtually nothing to see. This whole production is a paradox. If you know "anything" about Einstein there is nothing to pick up, if you don't - there are far better better offerings with regard to understanding the Great Mind. As other viewers have eloquently stated; it is a mind blowingly poor production - one that, maybe, found it's roots in a board room rather than in a passion for the great man.

The whole escapade can, pretty much be summarised in a couple of sentences... Einstein presented the physics that, amoung other "things" proved the link between matter and energy. In so doing he facilitated the development of the nuclear bomb. Einstein had mixed feelings with regard to this achievement. His desire to put an end to Nazi-Germany by beating them in the race for nuclear capability won "the internal battle" over his pacifist ideology.

Later in life, especially when it turned out that Germany lost the war "anyhow" and the acquired nuclear capacity was used on a large civilian Japanese population... he felt guilty.

That, in essence, is what is covered In Einstein and the Bomb - and it is done so pretty poorly.
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