Like it if you want, but good lord.
21 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I just couldn't watch it. The show started off actually really well, i was expecting a much better experience that i ended up with in the second, third, and forth episodes.

I won't spoil the show, and I understand others will enjoy this show. So please, don't take my personal opinion as gospel and give the show a watch to see if it's right for you.

First off, what i did like about the show. The art is very well done. I love the character designs, and they did a fantastic job with how the environments architecture and feel for the world are displayed.

Sound was also very well done, the animations and sound matched, and they created a strong feel from the audio, helping you to know whats happening. The music was also no slouch, and easily one of my favorite openings.

However, none of this makes up for the one part I just couldn't stand, the main character. I really liked the character at first, as mentioned, the first episode, the premise and concept of the story that was presented in that first episode, really did hook me right away. That was unfortunately quickly thrown out the window by the second episode.

Every episode after that, the personality of the main character shifted to an absolute garbage of a human being. Which only gets worse as the show goes on. Admittedly i did not get past the fourth episode, so there is a possibility things could have gotten better. Which is why I again, Recommend you watch the show for yourself.

So to clarify a bit on my dislike of the MC, is that she does... well... nothing. She is consistently patting herself on the back at how amazing she is, but does... literally nothing to show how "great" she is. She barges into peoples homes without a care in the world because she's a "witch" and for some reason that just gives her the right to do it. The strongest magic i see her perform outside the first episode is basically a mending spell on some roof tiles, which she does again later on.

She's so full of herself, witch I don't really mind in a character, if it's justified. She's narcissistic as hell, and does literally nothing to help anyone around her with her "all powerful magic". She walks around with hee nose held up towards everyone because she thinks of herself as amazing and better then everyone. She even states it in the opening of the show, "who's that beauty that even the sun would squint to look st her, me of course". Like holy crap can you be more full of yourself.

All of this i could look past to at least some degree, if she just... did something to justify her claims. Even the premise of the story, a Witch that Wanders around and explores the world is basically lost, because she does absolutely nothing at any of these places she visits. At least DO something when you visit a new place.

All we ever get, is some preachy quip about life as she watches someone else's life essentially fall apart in front of her. She makes the smallest amount of effort to help, and gets upset at the slightest amount of questioning towards who she is. How dare they even speak against me, can't they see my broach!

Now don't get me wrong, i do understand that she went through a decent amount to get where she was. I appreciated that even when I first started the show. However any sense of humbleness is just tossed out the window, and she becomes so pompous that I just, couldn't keep watching. Every time I heard her speak was just another tick against her, and though i really liked the voice actor's voice for the character, i just... could not stand the combination of that personality with that voice. It screamed evil villain you're supposed to hate.

I can't again, express how much i do urge others to not take my personal opinion as the end all be all for the show. If you truly think the show looks good, please give it a watch and decide for yourself. I give it 2 stars because again, it's still a well made show. However the writing, dialog, and actual plot of the show is just... absolute garbage to me, and it's not something I can recommend.
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