Review of Tag-Team

Land of the Lost: Tag-Team (1974)
Season 1, Episode 5
Two meat eating dinosaurs arguing, what a fun episode
21 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
This episode starts out with The Marshalls hunting for vegetables, but finding that they disappear shortly after they place them on their wagon. They soon discover that The Pakuni, Cha-Ka's race, are stealing the king sized vegetables. After a confrontation between Marshalls and Pakuni, they are interrupted by Grumpy, who's feeling hungry right about now. Grumpy chases after the humans and Pakuni. To rescue Cha-Ka, Will and Holly put their lives in danger. They eventually find themselves on a ledge with a long drop down. Big Al shows up on the other side of the canyon, and she and Grumpy go back and forth arguing about whatever Tyrannosaurs and Allosaurs argue over.

Meanwhile, Rick and The Pakuni try to rescue Will, Holly, and Cha-Ka. Toward the end of this episode, The Marshalls show The Pakuni how to get their own vegetables so they will not keep stealing. An overall very entertaining episode. It doesn't matter what the other reviewer said, this was a great episode. 10 Stars.
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