Cheers: Homicidal Ham (1983)
Season 2, Episode 4
The Bard In The Bar
21 February 2024
This the first Season Two episode to feature a returning character and - surprise! - it's Andrew "Andy Andy" Schroeder. At first Diane is understandably terrified by the homicidal maniac, but Sam is less concerned - until Andy pulls a gun on him.

After some futile attempts from the regulars to disarm him, Andy finally admits this is just a cry for help. Cue bleeding heart Diane and her mission to fulfil Andy's dream of being an actor.

For Diane this is not only an opportunity to help the poor unfortunate Andy; it's also a way to bring high culture to the rabble in the bar. Once again everyone acts as expected: Carla is unimpressed, Norm and Cliff are bored (until they realize it's a bedroom scene), and Coach is confused. Sam is supportive of Diane, which unfortunately makes him oblivious to Andy's insane jealousy...

Like the previous Andy Andy episode, this treads the line between black comedy and farce, and it does so with ease. At this point the show can do no wrong.
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