You don't really know how bad until 20 minutes before the end.
23 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Lazy, stupid nonsense, but, unlike a lot of reviewers here and professionally, I tend to watch a movie for what it is as it happens. I'm not necessarily "looking" for stuff to write about later. So, no, I didn't see the "twist" coming, but when it happened, I also wasn't surprised by it, and as soon as it happens is when the movie takes a downward spiral to that stupid ending. And does that stupid ending leave open the idea of a sequel? Ugh!

Before all of that, it's pretty entertaining because if you're simply following what's happening onscreen, you're trying to figure out what's up with this invasive and uninvited couple that claim to be "the neighbors." There is a bit of comedy, but most of it is from the ridiculousness of the main character, who comes off as one of the douchiest characters there is. He's that mid-late 30s guy who is still trying to be 25 and failing miserably at it. His wife seems to blow around with the wind -- whatever someone suggests, she weighs the idea for a millisecond or two, then goes for it. The "hip" couple play them like fiddles, but you don't know why.

Then comes the "big reveal," and it is mighty lame. By the time you realize how DUMB it is, the movie's almost over and you might as well watch it to the bitter end. I'm sure there was a sign on the road that I missed along the way to define what we were watching in the last two minutes, but I'm not nearly interested enough to go back and see what it was.

I'd also like to help a fellow reviewer who has questions:

Why was the husband (Frank) who hit the dog/animal with his car such a beta male? I didn't notice that, except that he lied to his wife about hitting a branch when it was an animal (a dog?).

How was his wife (Teeny) able to find the location of the injured animal but not the house she was looking for? There was a big white cross on the side of the road to find the animal, but apparently, she didn't have GPS.

Why was she too weak to end the animal's suffering? I don't know. I'll come back to her.

Does no one have smartphones in this movie? If this movie was set in an earlier year, I could see that. NO, apparently not. They TALKED about phones, but I don't recall ever actually seeing one.

Why don't people just simply call the police? Good question, again, no phones!

How could the woman (Teeny) hold the rifle so terribly and still hit the "wrong" target? Here's where I blast that whole story arc. What was the purpose of Teeny being out in her car in the first place? She was supposedly going back to the kid's house to get his stuffed monkey, but that could have easily been left out of the script with no effect on the story at all. Her ONLY purpose seems to have been to be there to shoot Adam, which makes NO sense. If she'd managed to shoot Tom and/or Sasha, then this would have been a good use of her screen time, but all she did was shoot Adam! So dumb and unnecessary.

Why wasn't the wife (Margo) concerned at the end when the husband (Adam) was having a meltdown? I don't even know what was going on there. With the blackout between that scene and the scene before it, I thought "time had passed," and we were getting a look at Adam and Margo after the events of the movie. That whole thing could have been in Adam's head. He came away from the "incidents" probably pretty damaged, so he might have only been having his meltdown in his head. I have no clue. It wasn't well-written, and I lost the plot there. He seemed excessively paranoid, as if Tom was now living in his house and Adam was the intruder. I kind of stopped caring.

We know what cantaloupe is but what is rutabaga? Cantaloupe was "they die," rutabaga was "they live." Silly kids!

Hope that helps. That's my take on this movie and these leftover questions. I can't honestly recommend this because although it shows promise for the first hour or so, the last 20 minutes kills whatever good feeling you might have had for it. Skip it.
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