Cat Person (I) (2023)
23 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Reading the reviews from this movie are interesting.

The film gives itself away for what it wants to be with the Margaret Atwood quote at the beginning. Men don't want to be laughed at and women don't want to be murdered. So take that quote and jump off a cliff, but fall in slow motion and you'll have a good feel for Cat Person.

As a woman in the dating world, I find it difficult to digest the fear that women live under. This coming from someone who has been molested and raped. Even in those experiences, I have never allowed myself to live in this much fear. Margot is not a heroine in my eyes (cannot tell if the writers were even angling for that honestly), but rather a girl who ruined a man's life because her brain has been poisoned to see the worst.

Robert has his flaws (one of which he will never NOT be Greg (best double negative there)), but ultimately he's just a bumbling 33 year old who does probably watch too much porn. He didn't deserve to have his life ruined and no one would be able to convince me otherwise.

I'm not clear on which view point the writers were catering to, but no matter what direction you look it's a slow film that builds to its end unremarkably. Margot still seems to be game for her psychosis and poor Robert is on the coast. Probably with his dog and cats.

It's not terrible, but it's not good. But who am I to say? Everyone is a critic.
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