Lots of the elements that make Perry Mason fun
25 February 2024
Great, fun episode. Contains so many of the elements we love about Perry Mason: melodramatic courtroom procedurals, a sneaky trap set by Perry and Della to trick a witness into the truth, exterior shots in a neighborhood of old LA (which you can still look up and compare with modern LA on Google Earth), a super-Trumpy evil business family, Paul Drake punching and taking punches ... and, unlike so many episodes, this plot is actually easy to follow and makes sense. And of course, the unique crisis: Our beloved Paul Drake has his life and liberty in Perry Mason's hands. The idea of making Paul the defendant could have been hokey, but the producers made the premise believable and provided a worthy script.

Unfortunately this episode is relatively hard to find because it is one of several not available on Amazon Prime/FreeVee (where I normally watch Perry) nor on Paramount+. I was able to record it off of MeTV in cable.
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