Coming of age series with tough stuff and yet moving and hopeful
27 February 2024
This mini-series has been a refreshing surprise. Set in Brisbane, Australia in 1985, it centers on young Eli Bell (Felix Cameron) who is confronted with all kinds of problems in a dysfunctional family. Based on the biographically tinged novel of the same name by journalist Trent Dalton.

"Boy Swallows Universe" works particularly well because of its characters and the great acting of the entire cast. Of course, Felix Cameron stands out in particular, but also his brother played by Lee Tiger Halley, Simon Baker as the dejected father, Bryan Brown, Travis Fimmel and Phoebe Tonkin. They all do a great job and are convincing in their roles. The setting is typically 80s and the music from that era is also fun.

Overall, it's an interesting mix of dark surreal thriller and family drama. But although there is a lot of pain and grief, there is also a lot of love. Despite drug dealing, domestic violence, child abuse, gangs, mutilations and murders, it never gets heavy handed or unpleasant. This is because the story combines this with hopeful, delightful and funny tones throughout. As if all that wasn't enough, a fantasy component is also added. The success of the series is based on the fact that no genre is overemphasized, but that they all fit together in such a way that they support each other. In the end, all the pieces of the puzzle fit together satisfactorily. Only in the final episode, the thriller twist felt a little rushed.

--------------- Conclusion:

Worth seeing - A family drama told with a lot of heart, which invites you to smile and cheer along in a warm-hearted and light-footed way. An interesting mix of genres that support each other.
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