Enjoyable and ok, but was expecting better since Netflix was making it.
29 February 2024
The first movie came out as a surprise to me. I found it in a video store selling bing among the extra copies they want to get rid of or sometimes just low budget movies that didn't rent anymore so they sell the few copies they had. In Quebec we had video stores longer than in the USA due to our french language. They kinda got away around 2020 with a few remaining to this day.

Anyway, found this for 2 bucks, the cover looked like a generic sci fi movie but seeing both Amell were in it, i had to pick it up especially with the low price since im a huge fan of the Arrowverse.

It was a pretty cool surprise. Some low budget sci fi movie turning out to be pretty enjoyable. For 2$ i couldn't complain at all, especially since i was expecting much less.

Netflix picked the liscence and after 5 years release a sequel. I would had expected something "bigger". Like the budget being risen up, more "mutants" and different powers, bigger action set pieces. Turn out the movie is very close in tone and budget to the first one and well..its fine. Its enjoyable. Its just i was expecting more...

The story is pretty simple and i will admit its been a while since i saw the first one so outside of the Amells i kinda forgot the other characters roles. The rest follow the text book basic script you would expect in a direct to video.

Its a safe movie. Low budget, similar to the first one, not any risk at all. Peoples who enjoyed the first will likely enjoy this one too, but it does not bring anything new at all, neither it try to improve on the first or be bigger in scale.

Its your typical streaming service movie. It did its job. Its FINE. In an "all you can watch buffet" type of service its definately good enough. But i feel it could had been a lot bigger.

That said im not gonna be too harsh on it because i did had fun and i always enjoy seeing Stephen Amell (especially him but i like his cousin too) in new stuff.
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