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29 February 2024
Oddly enough... When I watch a movie titled "Rebels of PT-218"... I just kind of sort of look forward to watching a movie about a PT boat... one of my remaining childhood fascinations.

So... what do I get instead? I get a movie in which I get to watch the only PT boat in the entire movie get blown up in the first few minutes! The rest of the movie revolves around a Liberty ship. Actual title 'should' have been "Rebels of Liberty-218" Other than that... the movie is rather... 'predictable'. A combat thirsty captain who insists on looking for trouble, and gets some of his men killed because he takes unnecessary chances. He sends out only four men to take out two heavily guarded gun emplacements. Not a man I'd wish to serve under. I won't tell you how it ends, because you can probably guess.
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