not worse than John Wick
3 March 2024
Not even in the same style. But, horrible in its own ways. I really did not have a good reason to watch it, and this is what I get. From the very first scenes, it is SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO SLOOOOOOOOOOW. It is full of itself and its metaphysical, mystical gobbledygook.

And there is a Chinese martial arts guy who found his way to South America to be trained by oh-who-cares. And the Chinese guy got his butt kicked by some lady, cuz in 2023, women always have to be stronger than men are. YAAAWWWWNNNNN.

This is low budget and they wasted what they spent. I did not watch the whole thing, so I never got to the "Great Reveal" about why the twin brothers need revenge on each other. Could not care, either.
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