A Round of Applause (2024– )
Berkun Oya targets an intellectual man. Again!
3 March 2024
Didn't expect this many messages from Berkun Oya to be so straightforward. Therefore, I found it quite didactic. But I was expecting him to target the poor intellectuals trapped in Kadikoy and Moda. After all, he's a bit like them himself.

By "poor," I don't mean it in a derogatory sense. They are poor because none of them can realize their potentials. In this country where conservative mediocrity reigns supreme, they are hopeless, penniless, and devoid of a future. Why criticize these lovely people? Why doesn't Berkun Oya take a jab at conservative elites in any of his works? Because he wouldn't get a reaction. The ones watching him are again from Moda.

Oh Berkun, what can I say?

"Let's criticize ourselves and make a series, let's criticize ourselves and make humor (see: Deniz Goktas)."

I hope you're in Portugal when the conservatives finally take over Moda and Kadikoy, Berkun Oya.
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