Christmas Time Is Here (2021 TV Movie)
An average Christmas is here
3 March 2024
'Christmas Time is Here' (2021)

Opening thoughts: GAC Family have literally just about been formed, but it's not faring too badly. Sure, there have been misfires, such as 'The Great Christmas Switch'. There have also been winners, primarily 'Much Ado About Christmas'. Also saw 'Christmas Time is Here' for the leads, have seen both Rukiya Bernard and DeShawne Williams in other things and have seen that they can be good with the right material. Was very willing to give it a fair chance, despite the storyline not sounding particularly promising.

Feelings overall for 'Christmas Time is Here' were slightly above mixed feelings. There are quite a lot of things done well, with the best aspects being close to great. There are though some major shortcomings that stop it from being above decent, and it does very little new with an overused formula (an overuse that one does feel). 'Christmas Time is Here' is a long way from being a disaster and is a superior film to 'The Great Christmas Switch' for instance, but it doesn't have the same amount or kind of spark that 'Much Ado About Christmas' had.

Good things: Bernard is the best aspect here, despite having reservations about her character she gives a one hundred percent committed performance and is charming. The supporting cast do competently, even in cliched roles.

Production values are attractive to look at, the scenery is beautiful in particular. The music is easy on the ears and doesn't feel too much. There are charming and light hearted moments sprinkled throughout.

Bad things: However, Williams comes over as surprisingly robotic and one note, while also strained early on. He and Bernard have no chemistry together, something that surprised me as somebody who has seen them act with each other before and very well. Will agree about Bernard's character not being well written, the dishonesty is overdone and mean spirited and she is too unrealistically unethical. On the whole the chemistry is bland and walk through like, indicative of writers that were too indifferent in fleshing out the relationship and a director that had their mind on other things. The writing is too corny and doesn't flow naturally on the whole.

The pacing is all over the place, the film is dull due to seeing on screen pretty much exactly what was to be expected, while also having a lot of jumping about, am sure that more parts were filmed that somehow didn't make it into the film. The ending is too neat. The story is very predictable and underdeveloped, very familiar material here not given any freshness. The stuff with the watch was a promising angle but done nothing with, big missed opportunity there.

Closing thoughts: All in all, average.

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