Omg this movie sucks so bad
4 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I agree with the sentiment. Everyone should have access to abortions. Especially as a result of rape. But the movie makes the case that everyone DOES actually have access to abortions. Main character gets free money from a Good Samaritan. Gets priority at the hospital she goes to. Everything is easy for these characters. But that's not the point. Can we ask for some better acting, directing, and writing in these social justice films?

Let's start with the acting. Main character's first line is "We have food for free here" which she mumbles out, sounding more like "We afoofufeefo". I knew I was in for a treat. Her whole performance is very wooden, in a piece that sets itself up to be emotional and passionate. Very drab, hollow line readings on every actor's part.

The writing is about as believable as a Dhar Mann video (patron donates hundreds of dollars based on seeing a pregnancy test and a sad look on protag's face, daughter picks the elephant on the merry-go-round because "they're strong and look out for each other"), plus we get a seemingly endless montage of filling in gas, getting snacks and singing along to some gawd-awful generic pop song that overstays its welcome at the 15-second mark.

Apparently director Nazrin Choudhury wrote this script in "2-3 hours" after Roe v. Wade was overturned. And it shows.

The twist that it's the daughter who needs the abortion is well-played, though, I'll give her that.

It's a very passable student film. But not Oscar-worthy.
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