Not exactly a film I'd wish to see again.
5 March 2024
"The Emperor of Peru" ("Odyssey of the Pacific") is a very strange Canadian film aimed at children. I noticed the two other reviews for this film on IMDB loved it. I certainly was not in love with the film and think it's not exactly to my taste.

Two orphan children have been adopted by some unusual people. And, soon, they also adopt a Cambodian kid who longs to be reunited with his father in his native country. When the trio meet a brain-addled old man (Mickey Rooney), he convinces them that they can restore an old steam engine and take this train to Cambodia...even thought they are presumably in Canada.

I saw some serious problems with this movie. Two of the three children have very little acting talent and look lost at times. And, as for Mickey Rooney, his portrayal of the Emperor of Peru was strange and way over the top. As for the story, it is fantasy, though I am sure most adults and teens watching the film will realize that you cannot take a train from Canada to Cambodia! Overall, this is a very strange fantasy film about some kids I didn't care much about and a senile old guy who is just bizarre. For me, this film is a miss and I am not in agreement with the two reviews which gave it a 9 and loved it. Loved it? I didn't even like it!
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