What are good start and mystery
5 March 2024
What are good start and mystery where we don't know the main characters too will but they are mysterious and have weird power so good enough and the good cinematography and colors just wow good first movie.

The fight and the music just goes so well together in this one and the main guy who is a chat because he keeps making the girl blush by being super nice and an honest good boy. I love him. It's just good.

What I'm going to remember about this movie is a little doggy crossing the main heroin and just realizing what horrible stuff is going on.

What is written here is gonna be the same in all of my 8 reviews all of What is a tob is new.

The Garden of Sinners is a beautiful and psychological anime. That's not really the point because I'm not here for a philosophy. I think it's cool and all but because of it is in English subtitles. I cannot understand it that well, so I had to go back to a different understanding of the characters and story trying to. Let's just say that the Vibes and gorgeous art was what keep me going through this anime.

It looks good. I can't look away because of the dark aesthetic and Moody lighting and because of the movie budget just looks even more gorgeous.

The animation is mostly used for the small details like finger movement and opening an ice cream with legs when only have one arm.

I didn't get completely the story because of the leg of good English skills I have reading but I got the emotional importance and I really like it.
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