Game On (III) (2024)
Cringey adaption of 13 Beloved/ 13 Sins!
6 March 2024
Alright, so let's dissect this masterpiece called "Game On." Or should I say, "Game Over" for anyone expecting a decent flick? This movie is like that dish your mom tries to cook with all her heart but ends up burning because she forgot to turn off the stove. Yeah, it's that bad.

First off, let's talk about the rating. 7.5? Seriously? Did the critics watch the same movie I did, or did they accidentally pop in a classic instead? Because last time I checked, "Game On" deserves a rating closer to the number of times I sighed in disappointment while watching it.

The screenplay is like a patchwork quilt made by someone who has never touched a needle in their life. Scenes are just randomly thrown together, like mismatched puzzle pieces trying desperately to fit. And don't even get me started on the actors. They're as stiff as a board, like they're auditioning for a statue role in Madame Tussauds.

Especially the male lead. I mean, who cast this guy? Did they pick him off the street and tell him to pretend to act? Because that's exactly what it feels like. His portrayal of the protagonist is about as convincing as a fish riding a bicycle.

Now, onto the plot. The idea of a loser-turned-hero is as old as time itself. But you'd think with all references to reference material (13 Sins / 13 Beloved), they could spice it up a bit, right? Nope. The execution is about as exciting as watching paint dry. And don't even get me started on the execution of "cheating/betrayal" and "falling in love" themes.

And let's not forget about our dear protagonist. He's supposed to be the star of the show, but honestly, he's about as interesting as watching grass grow. There's nothing exciting about his character, no depth, no complexity. He's just there, taking up space on the screen like a forgotten extra.

But hey, it's not all doom and gloom. There is one shining light in this dark abyss of a movie: the female lead. Sure, she's a bit stiff in some scenes, but compared to the rest of the cast, she's Meryl Streep. She deserved so much better than this dumpster fire of a film.
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