Review of Legends

Avatar: The Last Airbender: Legends (2024)
Season 1, Episode 8
Episode Ruined the World Building
7 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I've been onboard until this episode. So Katara gets to the northern tribe where women water bend to heal only. The tribe tell her that is their culture and it's been like this forever and they are all happy and content with their culture and lives. Katara, in her arrogance and self-righteousness, in not respecting another people's culture and customs, doesn't agree with the entire tribe's values and beliefs, so she attacks and fights one of their men. She then goes off screen and next minute, all the women of the tribe now want to fight for some reason. What did Katara say to change an entire tribe's beliefs and values and cultural practices? We don't know - it happened off camera. Then, for the marysue moment of the episode, all of a sudden the women are warriors and are water bending better than the men who have been training for half their lives. Remember, the only water bending the women ever did was to heal. How can they have learned in a minute, how to fight as good as their male counterparts who have been practicing for years?!

Also! Why has Ang not been practicing other bending?

Furthermore, Momo dies and I'm meant to care? The character's been in the show for all of five seconds. He dies and a woman picks him up and leaves with his body to save his life. Surrounded by her friends and family, who are dead and dying or still fighting, she picks up a dead animal she saw that one time, and leaves the battle to save its life and not those of her friends and family she has know her entire life and who she is meant to be leading!

None of this makes any sense and because of these points, this episode ruined a series that was going along quite well.
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