Review of Kuyang

Kuyang (2024)
Light Movie That is Quite Entertaining
9 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Not 'scary', more like 'interesting'. The story triggered a bit of my curiosity, even though there are many plot holes and the ending uses a formula that feels 'stale'. The visual effects are OK, after all it's 2024 (?) technology. But it seems that the horror atmosphere 'just isn't there'. The movie rely too much on sound effects for jump scares. The acting is like a school drama. For example, when a child is in danger, bloody, and dragged by something into the ceiling! There's no sense of urgency whatsoever (face palm), very unconvincing. When the dock burned, people just standing around, like the extras haven't been told what to do. It felt like the actors and actress were trying too hard to 'act' so that the result become unconvincing, while a good movie should make the audience forget that they are watching a movie.
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