Dont tell me they will waste hours of our time!
9 March 2024
100s of 1000s have watched these 2 seasons and could not wait for the next episode tp screen!

Now we are all waiting and waiting for the next season!!

PLEASE tell us we did not waste our time and that the wait will not be indefinite!

Season 1 drew a person in and those that have followed so many of the mysteries of this area feels we have to watch, hoping that the truth will show itself. This group have a truth about them that even the acting and drama added by the production crew can not take away from them.

Season 2 has been getting to some answers, some totally unrelated and others opening up new avenues on current hunts. Bottom-line this season has been very informative to say the least.

Season 3 can just build on this and hopefully open up more answers to all the unknows of this area of the earth we live on!

Why worry about space when we still have no idea about our oceans!!

Sailing will remain in ourbload no matter what.
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