10 March 2024
Following the sequel to the first part of the 'Code 8' led by the Amell cousins (Robbie Amell and Stephen Amell) progresses the story of the previous film while also giving a new plot to look at.

While the overall dynamic and gist of the movie remains the same throughout, if you were a fan of the previous part, you may find this one a bit underwhelming or lackluster. With that being said, this movie is still worth a watch if you have some free time to kill. Towards the end the story does get a bit tense and the villain Sergeant 'King' Kingston while portrayed as your typical manipulative villain, was still enjoyable.

With that being said, this sequel doesn't build too much upon the already existing movie and doesn't bring anything brand new to the table. Overall it's an enjoyable movie with a decent plot, although the character writing could've been a bit better.
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