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10 March 2024
'Alfred Hitchcock Presents' "Invitation to an Accident" (1959)

Opening thoughts: "Invitation to an Accident" is the final Don Taylor-directed 'Alfred Hitchcock Presents' episode, the final one of seven. All of his seven outings are watchable and above, so actually reasonably consistent, the weakest "Fatal Figures" (between that and "The Deadly") of the previous episodes still being decent if uneven. Though only "The Right Kind of House" was properly great in my view (the very good "The Crocodile Case" came close) of his episodes.

"Invitation to an Accident" is a good final episode for Taylor and is in the solid middle category ranking Season 4, a mostly solid one though with a few major bumps (i.e. "Don't Interrupt"). Of Taylor's episodes too, "Invitation to an Accident" is around the middle in ranking, not "The Right Kind of House" level but better than "The Deadly" and "Fatal Figures" (closest to "Listen Listen"). It is not much out of the ordinary story wise, but is compensated by the acting and the ending in particular. A lot is good here in "Invitation to an Accident", but it falls short of greatness.

Good things: Joanna Moore's performance here is very powerful and affecting, while Gary Merrill is intensely brooding. The character interaction between them has a suitable amount of tension and edge. The chemistry also compels and intrigues. Hitchcock's bookending is droll and amusing as to be expected and Taylor's direction is assured enough and generates enough suspense.

Also did find the story very interesting on the whole, with some nice atmosphere.t is not too simple while not being convoluted either. The dialogue provokes enough thought, while it is atmospherically made and the theme tune deserves its classic status.

Bad things: "Invitation to an Accident" isn't flawless, the final third is too silly and lacks plausibility.

Count me too as another person who didn't find the ending that memorable or surprising, somewhat predictable actually.

Closing thoughts: Overall, quite good end to a solid Season 4.

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