Bonusfamiljen: Avsnitt 1 (2019)
Season 3, Episode 1
Missing/glossed over information
11 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Spoilers for those who haven't watched this episode yet!!

* * * * * * * While I love this show in general, I feel like this episode just casually glosses over a lot of big changes and developments with the characters without explanation. Such big developments that left me scouring Google thinking I had missed an episode or five. The episode starts with Martin and his mom at Gugge's grave. Apparently the character had passed since the previous season. After researching I found out it was because the actress Barbro Svensson had passed away. While it was a noble tribute for the actress, there was nary a reason in the show given about what happened to the character.

Secondly, Martin and Sima had barely started dating in season 2, and season 3 opens with them having a new baby! Ummm... what?? I feel like a lot of important information about their relationship was skipped here that could have gone more in depth.

Thirdly, season 2 ended on a cliffhanger that Lisa and Patrik were pregnant again. It isn't until halfway through the season 3 premiere that, in therapy, it is nonchalantly mentioned that Lisa had had a miscarriage. Once again, this feels like a big important plot detail that could have gone into more detail other than a casual afterthought.

It feels like this season could have opened with a different episode to better cover all these details rather than just let the viewers wonder what the heck had happened. That being said, I look forward to watching the rest of the season, I hope more explanations are given further down the line.
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