Feel for the Crew
12 March 2024
I debated on whether or not I even wanted to watch this. People who take cruise ships are usually either elderly and out of touch or upper middle class to wealthy and entitled, while all of the above utterly ignore the grave impact cruise ships have on carbon emissions and the state of our world's precious oceans. I totally expected the self-absorption that some other reviewers are complaining about. BUT I remember being obsessed with the horror of this particular cruise ship in 2020 so I thought well if I hate it I can just turn it off.

The experience of the poor crew is the core reason you should watch this documentary. To contrast the experience of the travelers to the workers is eye-opening. I can only imagine the sadness and barely controlled rage of these individuals who were put at risk, and I was glad to hear their stories and appalled to see just how many were non-English speaking and non-Western and brown skinned....of course a corporation was treating these human beings as second class citizens, it's always an important reminder to see it full color though.

I think there should have been more coverage on the people who died on this ship, there were 14 victims. Perhaps the director felt it was exploitative but really that should have been shown more attention.
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